Archive Scholarship

This year’s Scholarship Winner has been chosen!

We of the North Shore Players Community Theatre in Danvers are pleased to announce that Molly Delaney, a graduating senior at Swampscott High School has been awarded the Memorial Scholarship for the Performing Arts.  This year’s award is $ 750.  Our congratulations go out to her.

We were very impressed with all of Molly’s community, and multiple theater-related activities, that she described in her essay.   Recently she has been active in Boston with the Blue Man group.  All the best to her in her future theatrical endeavors.


Lucy Keller

Lucy is one of NSP’s Foundation Members! She’s served in ALL capacities, including President. Lucy is our current Scholarship Chair.

Scholarship 2019

Scholarship means a lot to us here at the North Shore Players, so we’ve “put our money where our mouths are” with real financial assistance.